Pistils turning brown?


One of my plants, about 4 weeks into flowering had some of the pistils turning brown. It hasn't grown as tall as my other plants, it's about a foot tall, but it's had more bud than the rest of them, almost the entire plant is bud, nice dark green leaves, no real problems, is something wrong or is it just time?


Well-Known Member
Sometimes they turn brown I think it's nute related. Once in a while a few of my kush plants get some dark hairs. But, haven't had any real problems from it. I'd ease off the nutes on that one for a week or so and see what happens. Good luck.


Active Member
I read somewhere on here that they can turn brown from lack of water... not sure though... but grorite seems to be correct as I have touched one of mine and they turned.. I felt ashamed as if I deflowered a virgin LOL
I'm researching this now as my best plant is in day 6 of flower and its lower-mid level center bud site has its two hairs turning brown. I have been chasing a deficiency issue and went from possible N def to possible N overfert. Temps and circulation are good. I had one male but that has been culled - though it sits in a leaf bag that is still in the room. I culled it 3 weeks ago in veg and I doubt that could be the culprit as far as pollenation. The grow is in a closet that was been cleaned and repainted. I had a herm in the room during my last grow, but that was over 6 months ago. I am not positive, but I'm sure pollen would have "expired" by then. At this point, I'm leaning towards over fert due to leaf tips neon yellow.