pistils turning orange prematurely?


hey guys first timer here. im growing this plant in a soil medium and feeding miracle gro indoor plant food at every watering ( about every three days). this plant was changed to 12/12 on september 20th. its about 4 weeks into flower and i started noticing some of the pistils turning orangish. im growing under 6 100w eaquivelent cfl bulbs. its not happening to every bud mostly the lowers with very little orange on a few of the uppers. is this normal or could i have a potential problem?



Well-Known Member
some pistils do that early change colour/die at the tips
the majority of pistils look healthy thick n white to me from the pics
as long as its only a few here and there its normal



Well-Known Member
from what i know it just means some of you're calyx are swelling and starting to mature and the rest will eventually follow suit ...ALSO i guess if you're plant is too close to the lights and or too much heat could possibly cause it also?...