Pitt Bull Strain


Active Member
OK so I am growing some Pit Bull for the first time along with some GHB (Garlic Hash Bud). I also have some old Snow White and Blackberry seeds along side. So far I am very impressed with the Pit Bull even though I have heard some bad reviews of it. Of course I am only 30 days into flower. I am also very happy with the GHB (I got it from someone in a clone exchange). It smells real nice and is almost as robust as the Pitt Bull. The Blackberry and Snow White are just OK, I was just happy they sprouted.

So anyone else have any luck growing Pitt Bull?



Well-Known Member
I'm scared of my B.B. stuff now that my feminized Dog seeded up..........too much other proven stuff available to waste anymore time we these guys. Good luck with it though.


Active Member
I'm scared of my B.B. stuff now that my feminized Dog seeded up..........too much other proven stuff available to waste anymore time we these guys. Good luck with it though.
Sorry but whats BB?

The Pit Bull is from Stoney Girl. The GHB is from who knows, the guy I exchanged with wasn't too sure either. The other two are from Nirvana, old seeds I had laying around. The other plant in those pics is tomato from a neighbor:-P

From the pic:

Tomato--->Snow White--->GHB---->GHB

Tomato--->Pit Bull--->Blackberry--->Pit Bull

All the single pics are from the Pitbull(s).


Active Member
B.B. is Breeders Boutique, who is also working with Pit Bull.....
Strange. I understood that Stoney Girl seeds were only available through authorized cannabis clubs in Oregon, Washington and California. Do you have any idea when they started selling them through Breeders Boutique? I cant find any of SG seeds there. Was it a temporary agreement or something?


Well-Known Member
Don't know anything about it but I have read some things on their forum here and received some Pit Bull hybrid seeds as a freebie from a recent order......


Well-Known Member
I would be leary of Pit bull seeds not from Stoney. Unless something has changed, from what I understood the only way to get it was to be an OMMP I have grown it a few times and it was very good smoke. Very fast finish. I don`t get all caught up in thc content but it is very good. Last time I grew it was outdoors and it smelled sweet and skunky. I wish there were not so much controversy around pitbull because peoples preconceived notions are keeping them apart from a
nice smoke. Or I wish some third party would do the proper testing so it could be advertised correctly. Long story short I can attest to the finish time but not the thc content.
It is still as dank as any dank.

EDIT: I understand that the wild claims need to be verified or dropped.


Active Member
I would be leary of Pit bull seeds not from Stoney. Unless something has changed, from what I understood the only way to get it was to be an OMMP I have grown it a few times and it was very good smoke. Very fast finish. I don`t get all caught up in thc content but it is very good. Last time I grew it was outdoors and it smelled sweet and skunky. I wish there were not so much controversy around pitbull because peoples preconceived notions are keeping them apart from a
nice smoke. Or I wish some third party would do the proper testing so it could be advertised correctly. Long story short I can attest to the finish time but not the thc content.
It is still as dank as any dank.

EDIT: I understand that the wild claims need to be verified or dropped.
Yep I got my clones from a authorized SG distributor and we are both OMMP. But I also believe they have a few dispensarys in WA and CA that also have authorized SG genetics. I could be wrong. I do agree with you that you cant really trust something just because it is called one thing. Names are generally meaningless, just look at how many breeders have a White Widow for sale. I also agree that their claims are a bit ludicrous. Could be one of the reasons that the SG strains have so much controversy. But as of right now, I really...really am liking Pit Bull.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, Racerboy and I have talked about this in the past and it got me to thinking that Sg is doing her self a disservice by not clearing up the discrepancies. Hopefully you will keep good records and give an honest report when you are done.


Well-Known Member
I have grown the Pit Bull as well and love the strain! I am OMMP as well and recieved the strain from a guy in Salem. Check out my Journal, I have one in flower right now.


Well-Known Member
I have grown the Pit Bull as well and love the strain! I am OMMP as well and recieved the strain from a guy in Salem. Check out my Journal, I have one in flower right now.
Can you put up a link? Sorry but I can not find it.
EDIT: Nevermind I found it in your sig. I`m slow lol


Active Member
ya i was told that Stoney Girl .. actually cuts down Everything Extremly EARLY.. and then says her shit finishes that fast..

pitbull was supposed t obe a strain that finished in like 40 days or some bullshit.. i tried to get my hands on it for the last 2 years. and ive got fakes upon fakes.. then i finaly got a real deal. and it wasnt bad.. buttt at like day 46 everything was still CLEAR i cut her down at 66 and it was just 50 Cloudy 25 amber 25 clear.. so iuno about the entire fast flowering thing..
buttttt i ran 1 clone thought it was another fake.. and tossed it . now im trying to find the REAL STRAIN. only because i would like to test finish times.!