Pizza now counts as a vegetable


Well-Known Member
Thats a good thing because we need people to eat healthy- pizza and ice cream makes for a heart healthy diet


Well-Known Member
Actually, the 1/2 ounce of tomato paste (per slice) has always counted as a vegetable according to USDA standards. So has french fries, for fucks sake. Congress just stopped the USDA from implementing new standards.

The food industry spent something like $6,000,000 lobbying congress to keep the standards set inthe 70's. Welcome to the new America, same as the old America....


King Tut
Actually, the 1/2 ounce of tomato paste (per slice) has always counted as a vegetable according to USDA standards. So has french fries, for fucks sake. Congress just stopped the USDA from implementing new standards.

The food industry spent something like $6,000,000 lobbying congress to keep the standards set inthe 70's. Welcome to the new America, same as the old America....
So our government has been failing all along. This is fodder :)


pizza is 0ne 0f the best meals f0r breakfast beleave it 0r n0t it has everything u need t0 start the day vegs grain sugars an all G0 FIGURE


Ursus marijanus
There was an uproar in the early 80s, the Reagan years, when ketchup was promoted to "vegetable" status for the school lunch program. cn


Well-Known Member
yup, same thing. The food industry drove that decision as well as the cheese program when the price of milk was too low.