plan B HPS.


i just finish my first indoor cfl grow and i think i set up new HPS grow area.i have a much space can i cover with a 600w HPS?
u have any ideas about plant desing?topped/fimmed?wich flor?how many weeks of veg to get best result(yield/time) for exampe IF i can cover a space of 1.80x1.80x2.5(metrers) with 6 to 8 high yields plant for exampe super skunks and northen lights if i use topping to 3rd-4th to get 2 big main colas from each and veg them for 4-8 weeks under a 600hps bulb will be fine i gues. do i missing somethink on this?how that sounds anyway.thanks.:peace:


Well-Known Member
If you top and lst you can fill a 4x4 space with 3-4 plants.
I think a 600 will cover 4x4 but someone who uses a 600 will tell you for sure.


New Member
An area of 3x3ft. is the footprint of a 600 hps. Any larger will cause sparse growth. Topping and other techniques should be determined by your grow area and style. Look everyone want to jamb as many plants in a certain area thinking this is the way to get the best yield...its not, overcrowding and area can hurt your yield. I would not put more than 2 plants under a 600 watter for larger spaces, smaller spaces used for scrog or sog are different styles of grow where they keep the plants smaller with more under the light. JAS
A 600W can be used successfully under a 1meter square area, you can even push this to 1.2 meters, but this depends on your method of growth, Quality of bulb and total plants.

I know a 400W HPS can grow in a area of 800mm to 1 meter quite well. Keep in mind your BULB is actually quite an important part. Getting stock bulbs from the electrical supplier will work, but is not very specific on the frequency spectrum. I can get a standard bulb that's mostly used for roads under $10, but compare that to a spectrum specific bulb anywhere around $40 and even $50.

Also depending on your hood your light dispersion is also a factor than can spread or reduce the overall light dispersion.

Good Luck.