Planning first scrog


I am about to harvest my first normal horizontal grow and, naturally, i have great plans for the next grow. i have a 150hps and a 400hps/mh. i want to order some good feminized seed from online. shipping to texas, so any advice for seed bank is appreciated. allows me to order single seeds. I want to get a tasty sativa, indica, and maybe a hybrid or autoflower. plan on growing them one at a time scrog style. I would like to grow in soil. Where should I start? I want to make sure it turns out as good as possible so I will be asking lots of questions!


I also plan on using uncle ben's topping method. after the original clip from the 2 node, do I continue to clip to keep 1 budding node per screen space? Im a control freak and I really want to try and get the most perfect, high yielding, and best smoking bud I can possibly get from a 1 plant scrog setup. I have the 150hps and 400hps/mh so would a 1 plant scrog do best or should I go 2? I'm guessing with 2 plants i wouldn't have to veg as long to fill up the screen....right?


Well-Known Member
I can walk you through the way I do it currently (tried different styles). However, I must re-state this is just the way I do it... OK, I top to get four main heads. Then a screen is placed over the plant, I put the plant in the middle. The four main tops will naturally grow through the screen, I gently pull them back down out of the square in the screen and bend them into the next spot over. While each of the 4 main branches are being trained towards the four posts of my screen the nodes on the branches are growing up through the screen so I repeat the process with them. From a topographical view creating an X with the plant.You don't want the plant to grow through the screen just stay under it until flower, if indoor also before flower I clean up the lower growth the focus the energy on the dominant flowering sites. Outdoors screens can do very impressive things. hope this helps


What about an easy, small # of plants hydroponic system? I definitely want to see if that would be worth it.