Plant Abuse!!

Green on Green

Active Member
So aside from having to transplant them, what else am I doing wrong? there are 6 plants with their own CFL (26 watts I think) and under lit with a 15watt aquarium fixture. I pulled one out of the cup and it was nowhere near rootbound so I think I have a few more days until my box is complete and I can transplant. I have them under 24/0, no ventilation but a cracked door and a coke bottle with yeast and sugar water. I'll be completing the whole grow with CFL's. Any input is much appreciated



Well-Known Member
If you're hell bent on making them work, you need to get them out of those cups and into a minimum 8" pot with premium potting soil. You'll also need nutrients for later. You also wanna get rid of that aquarium light. That just touches on what you've told us. There could be other problems with air quality, temps, etc.

Green on Green

Active Member
Thanks for the input guys...I still think they will work. They are only about a month to 6 weeks old and some of the leaves got burnt when I was out of town for a few days. Up until that point they were thriving.

I will transplant them ASAP

Oh and why get rid of the aquarium light? I figured the more light the better and one of the biggest problems with CFL grows is the light penetration. I figured light coming up from the bottom would be a good thing
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Active Member
id recommend getting the 40 watt cfls.they seem to work well.i havnt seen any successful grows using 26 watt ones.

Green on Green

Active Member
I dont think thay look THAT bad, they are all at least 90% green and the only yellowing/browning is from the light touching them and the bottom leaves dying off....

Please tell me I can save them :cry:


Well-Known Member
you can save them, the stems look pretty thick, your gunna need to raise the humidity tho, looks like ur leaves are too dry.. humidity above 50% is great temps around 78, transplant them, then water until it drips out the bottom with phed water. add a few cap fulls of hydrogen peroxide to the gallon...get a few more cfls's preferably the 40w ones and give em a fan for air circulation... 24/7 light!! veg for 2-4 more weeks and you should be good.. :-D

Green on Green

Active Member
you can save them, the stems look pretty thick, your gunna need to raise the humidity tho, looks like ur leaves are too dry.. humidity above 50% is great temps around 78, transplant them, then water until it drips out the bottom with phed water. add a few cap fulls of hydrogen peroxide to the gallon...get a few more cfls's preferably the 40w ones and give em a fan for air circulation... 24/7 light!! veg for 2-4 more weeks and you should be good.. :-D
Good shit, I just added a desk fan to the cab and watered with some MG nutes (half strength to test it out) not much I can do for the humidity until the till my box is done, will look into some alternate methods. The cab isnt sealed and I was thinking of lining it with black trash bags and replacing the reflective poster board, that may help with the humidity.

I just looked at the plants again and I have to say I dont think they look that bad, maybe the pics I took didnt do them justice.

Look for my journal soon