plant budding slow


so i've been flowering a plant for 3 and the hairs have finally showed, i've done research on the plant and everyone says it's a fast budding plant (pineapple kush) it's not a male, is there a such plant the don't bud? I've started given it a nutrient booster a week ago but it look like it doesn't have any's a big plant and has been this size for at least 2 months but the buds just don't seem to grow...i don't think it has to do with lighting or temperature I've harvested 2 other plants in there at separate times while this one was just sitting there big and bushy and at max height...:bigjoint:
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Guitar Man

Well-Known Member
Your grow pot looks small for the size of your plant. If you were using a grow bag, you could get away with using a smaller container, but your pot looks plastic. Also, don't allow that pot to remain in ANY standing water. The bottom needs to BREATHE.


it's not a plastic pot it's those fabric pots, it might be to small for the plant but i did harvest two other plats using the same pots (7gallon)...I don't have the room to get bigger pots when I did hydro I used only 5 gallon buckets for much larger plants...none the less soil maybe different so I don't know