Plant burn/spots/decoloration


Active Member
I’m currently at day 47 of veg, I’ve been noticing this burn/spots problem on my plants and it’s not going away..I’m growing in gaia green living soil using the recommended dosage. Should I worry about these? Maybe I should defoliate a bit, would it help at all?
Really looking forward to your answers!EDAAF710-2475-4CA8-A643-BE34ABEB9660.jpegED10170F-91BC-4256-8225-319D662F1B29.jpeg3A46BAD8-1AC7-4937-844E-B8B3E81A7E82.jpeg
They look like they need a bigger pot. What else is in your soil aside from gia?
I’m waiting for my soil order I’ll be putting them in 5 gallons, hope this helps! And just living soil+4-4-4 all purpose gaia. Will be putting power bloom as well in the 5 gallons.
if those were my leaves, i'd be plenty concerned
Just looks like a new plant growing into some hot soil. She'll grow into it, and that leaf will be in the compost pile before flower either way. Looking good to me, very good for a first grow too btw. Don't give it any teas or anything for a few weeks after you transplant. Probably more like 3. Molasses if anything, but keep it to once a week until she chews through some of what's in there.
A good living soil should already have that. I'm assuming too much maybe.


Kelp meal
Crab meal
Fish meal
Alfalfa meal
Basalt stone flour (paramagnetic)
Calcium Montmorillonite
That is all mixed into:

Premium peat moss
Organic Fungal compost
Organic Bacterial compost
TSM Worm Castings
Rice Hulls

That crap should come in the mix if sweet charlie ordered the soil. Think he said he did
Watch it for a few days. If the tips oft hose dark green leafs start to turn down it's probably maq toxicity. Just my opinion.