Plant Food Question!


Well-Known Member
what hard plant food r u talking about? anything can be given as food, but the longer it will take for the soil to use it & the roots to uptake it, the bigger it or the particles are...make sense?
It's a osmocote 18-6-12 time release food. There very tiny balls, I have crushed a spoon full the recommended dose into powder. As I would like to put it either around the plants on the soil or in there water. Not a spoon full each of course probably about a 1/4 or so . It being time release is the reason behind it. I don't want to use to much if I do it. Any suggestions? Money is tapped and this is all I have. Just trying to get food to the plants immediately!


Well-Known Member
got ya, sure u can try that, put it in ur water first to see if it will dissolve even more after u crush it. better then nothing and yes 1/4 tsp per gallon should be good...dont know how old ur plants r but u dont need to fertlize before 3 weeks unless they're starting to yellow from lack of any nutrients in the soil.
That's exactly what I have done. They are 1 month old clones from a 3 1/2 month old mother wich is in perfect health but the clones were yellowing in the organic soil and I'm sure there starving!!


Well-Known Member
i got just the thread 4 u, ur going love it, CLICK HERE

This is a thread here at RIU, that lists a TON of natural additives and there NPK values. This as well should help u until u can afford to pay for other nutrients. u'd be surprised at the things u can add to ur soil to help ur starving ladies! best of luck to u :)


Well-Known Member
I have the same problem as you,i dont have money at the moment beacuse i spent it in my car. :-/
how much that cost u?
My dad got some Plant-tone,does anybody know if this is same for Mj.
I read the back and it was Magnesium and Calcium,stuff i need for my plant but once again idk if its safe and dont
want to risk killing my plants. Rep for whoever helps and gives me the answer
I have used very little 1/4 of the recommended dosage. It's seriously not much so I'm deft starting on the smaller scale. It's already been done so we will see what the results are soon enough.
And to be completely honest I did this yesterday exactly how i styes above. I jus wanted to double check in case I have to flush or whatever. The plants are already greener an have grown an inch over night. Seems to be working.
Yes I have. That's not something you use all the time tho. The link posted on the first page is the most extensive breakdown of what u can use for your plants that I have ever seen. Check it out!
In the link there is a list of all kinds of house hold foods and there nutrient levels for supplementing till you can afford to get the nutes.


Active Member
if it only has calcium and magnesium then its not too good for mj, you want something with n-p-k and higher n during veg, but you know that dont you?