plant growing too slowly

i <3 buds

New Member
Hey everybody! :). This is my first grow and i have been growing my plant in New Zealand outdoors now for 13 days and i feel like my plant is not big enough for how long it has been growing, also it has hardly developed any proper leaves yet. I have been watering every 2-3 days. I will attatch some photos of it and any comments, tips or suggestions would be extremely helpful, thanks a lot. :leaf::-o

i <3 buds

New Member
from videos on the internet and by looking at the plant i can tell it should of grown some proper leaves by now, but u can judge for yourself now that i have the photos up :)
I think thats just fine, sure is stretching a lot, when you transplant bury that fucker half way up. and when plants are young like this, the first 2 weeks are dedicated to establishing a strong and healthy root system. Once that has been established it will really begin to flourish. Happy growing to ya

i <3 buds

New Member
Ok thanks a lot man how long until you think i should transplant it? and lastly do you think it looks like its getting enough sun? because it is in the bush and its probably not getting as much sun as it should :p


Well-Known Member
I think it could do with more light but it looks healthy so don't worry too much yet. Are the vids you're comparing to all soil based?
Id say 2-3 weeks and you should be ready to transplant. And it being in the shade might be why its stretching so much. got to take in account the suns travel across our sky, so it could be getting intermittent light, just a thought


Shes looking a bit stretchy
try and puy her directly under light shes stretching in search of more light
and in that pot ull probly need to transplant about a month 1/2 in.
wat kind of soil r u using dude

i <3 buds

New Member
i'm comparing it to soil based vids. and i'm using this soil called tui flower power which containshas 6 month slow release fertilizer, sea weed, peat moss and some other stuff

i <3 buds

New Member
also it gets pretty windy here so does anyone have suggestions on how i could tie it to something to stop it getting blown around so much?


Well-Known Member
i'm comparing it to soil based vids. and i'm using this soil called tui flower power which containshas 6 month slow release fertilizer, sea weed, peat moss and some other stuff
Just my opinion but I'd never use slow release fertilizer, you have more control over ratio's and how much NPK they get when you mix your own nutes.
When you repot you should use a little perlite if you can get it.
How many hours of daylight in NZ now?


First thing that comes to mind to cover wind
would be a repfective peice of aheet metal inserting into ground around plant to increase sun rays and help with wind
or just place against a wall werr u wont get too much wind blowing