Plant in danger help!!!!!!!


SO FOUR of my lil girls are coming up with purple on there leaves the new leaves that come outta the shoot have a funny coloring heres a picture messagepart h.jpg


Well-Known Member
could be temps, nutes and or strain. Sometimes it takes more than 20 min and it will take more input from you.


im going out today to get a metter but only one of my plants isnt showing discoloration like the other for an they all get the same water


Well-Known Member
well i have not givin them any nuts yet
Which also probably means you haven't checked the PH of the water?

Just feed and check the PH. Personally, I think stuff like Fox Farms actually makes it harder, because you have to guess at what nutes are currently in the soil. Do something like Dynagro and Coir and you know exactly when to feed.


Active Member
SO FOUR of my lil girls are coming up with purple on there leaves the new leaves that come outta the shoot have a funny coloring heres a picture View attachment 2033091

I had exact same problem two years ago, I think it's from over watering, but that purple continued on them as they got bigger, and messed them up, i thought it was everything from mold, fungi, powdery mildew, and treated them for all kinds of shit, but what I came up with in the end was phosphorus deficiency due to nutrient lockout due to overwatering (had them in trays outside and it poured for 2 days), i let them dry out and foliar fed them phos., and it fixed most of them. Maybe it was a coincidence, but it worked, and they looked identical to your pic. hope this helps


ok im going to look into that cause i do feel like i over watered them just a lil but there under a 600 an the dirt drys out pretty quick so idk but ima check all thats guys


Well-Known Member
What type of water? tap, city, well, softened, RO? what temp is the water when you do water?


Active Member
when you water them you should check the soil like a couple inches deep first and make sure they need it. if it's the same thing I had, it didn't kill any of the plants, not even the ones that i couldn't get rid of it on, it just spread on them and made them deformed and purple, like really non-natural purple, like somebody dusted them with purple eye shadow in strange blotchy patterns, but simmer down, as your plants are definitely salvageable