Plant is getting beat up


New Member
Hey everyone, this is my first plant shes had a bit of a rough go. During veg she got eaten by a groundhog bounced back and is flowering. Had and may still have a problem with thrips. Used the hot pepper treatment seemed to work. Can't see them anymore but looks like thrip damage to me. And now got a fungus knat prob which I'm working on. She is pretty small compared to others I have seen here but I`m a newb and this first one is trial and error. Have her under 5000k cfl 12/12 (prob not enough) Nut 18-18-18 once every 2 weeks. Now today noticed small little balls (i think) under some of the buds. Just need some input on how it looks and how long do you think it still has to go. She looks kinda homely but shes been through quite a bit lol




Well-Known Member
Calcium deficiency.
Magnesium Deficiency
The leaves curling under, yellow tips in the one picture look like over fert. or a (K) deficiency.

Check your soil pH.
IMO- I'd use Cal/Mag every month of plant growth just as a preventative measure.
Plant looks decent, fix a few things and everything will be cool.

Good Luck on your Grow.


Well-Known Member
probably 10ml first dose, and then 5ml after that. maybe 3 doses in a row.
and then once a month, you'll finish before a month, i think.

Your other plants give it to them once a month, should do the trick.