plant is slumped over


Well-Known Member
my plants been growin perfectely now for bout the last 2 and a half months.. i water it every day ive never had a problem with it . ive been growin it n my closet n i stay up stairs .. welp today was bout 102 degrees..n i didnt water it im stupid i forgot...soo i opend up thedoor too see my plant slumped over leafs on it perfect still steams all good jus slumped over like its done.. i got a stek n put it in to hold it up n feed it some water.. soo wat else should i doo it look alive still jus really weak..should i jus let it sit in the dark with the fan blowin still or keep the light on ..i have a gro lux im useing...


Well-Known Member
mine kinda did the same thing but i don't know if it's cuz i'm not watering them enough water or often enough and it's not the stem it's the leaves on mine, there like weak leaf stems and they are facing the wall away from the light cuz the stem is weak and the leaf is heavy what do i do about this?