plant laying down


its 2 weeks old and looking real green was doing fine till a couple of days ago it just started leaning over like if it was top heavy, i stopped watering it hoping it was just overwatering and waiting till it gets real dry to water it now to make sure, any tips thank you


Well-Known Member
have you tried tying it up? if it is to heavy to stand on its own, common sense would tell most ppl to try to support it artificially.

welcome to RIU, learn to use the search feature, and read the FAQs pages they have tons of info that gets asked here everyday, over and over again.


Is this an indoor grow? If it fell over, I suspect your stem is very weak and long. What kind of lighting? Do you have a fan on it? A fan will make it constantly move and the stem will get stronger/more sturdy.

Good luck,


Well-Known Member
Yes, it is common for new plants to have week stalks at first. Loosely support it in some way and get a light fan on it... not enough to blow it over but enough to shake it around a little. It will stiffen up pretty quick. Also, get your light as close as you are able so it wont keep stretching.


Well-Known Member
Sometime if your not giving them enough light, they will stretch and "lay down" I would try to move the light closer without cooking your plant.


Well-Known Member
If you're in soil just pile soil up to bottom leaves... Also all it can take is light from an angle to lean the plant, you can 1/4 turn the plant during the day and see if it is following light .. a fan helps too.... Don't overwater... Luck..