Plant leaves curling upwards.

Xen Cuts

The only info i could find on this, was saying that they need more nitrogen. I dont know. My plants are less than a week old, and the leaves a curling upwards. Other than that they seem healthy. I was going to put some pictures up, but i dont know if it's necessarry. The plants on a 24 hour light cycle, and i have yet to start feeding them nutes.

Again i can post photos if necessary.


Well-Known Member
I seem to have the same issue on 1 of my 2 plants so I don't think its heat but I could be wrong, curious to what caused this although mine is not that serious yet

Xen Cuts

Yeah from what i've been getting it could be over watering, or the placement on the lights. I would really like to know for sure tho.


if your unsure on the placement of lights... have you moved them closer to the light to rule out that possibility just in case that might be it? mine are also curling upwards however not too bad and the light i have on them is about 4-6 inches from them... using t-5 2ft 2 bulb floros

Xen Cuts

I moved the light about 3-4 inches away for the girls this morning. I'm not positive but i think it made it a little worse. One of my plant's leaves is looking close to a fucking taco.