Plant mottled


Well-Known Member
From day 1 this had a mottled appearance. Didn’t think much of it until now. Is this tmv? Plants wet so it may be hard to see completely well in pic
Have you gone over it really thoroughly with a loupe or microscope to check for pests? I'm not really familiar with what TMV looks like but it looks like pest damage from the pic.
You should take a closer look to scout the problem. For pests, you can grab a free sample of 100% all natural, all-in-one insecticide & fungicide if you like. It will eliminate the problem without the use of harmful chemicals, killer pesticides, clogging oils, and other unnatural ingredients. Besides mites, it prevent and eliminate pests, harmful insects, fungus, mildew, molds, viruses, and bad bacteria causing disease in your garden.

Once you get it, here is what you do. It is safe to spray on flowers until harvest. If you have an issue, use 4 oz per gallon, spray 3-5 days in a row. Use 1 cup per 5 gallons to do a soil drench to get any eggs and larvae in the soil. Check the population after the 3rd day and spray as needed. Then go down to two ounces per gallon as weekly preventative.

Be sure to get under the leaves, stems and stalk. pH between 6 and 7, and lights out immediately after spraying, with fans on. if you can, heat the solution up to 90° for maximum effectiveness. This will help.