plant never grows more than 3 leaves over 6 ft and out doorthe plant is 6 months or


I assume he means his 6month old outdoor plant is 6ft tall and doesn't have any fan leaves with more than 3 fingers?

I donno.


my moms keyboard sticks someone spilled pop on it and the plant is 6 months old and outdoors and all the leaves are 3 bladed none of my other plants have ever done this. the preflowers say it is a female. any answers or info will be helpful


Well-Known Member
your moms keyboard? soda? .....rrriiiggghhhhhttttt...... ;P.. how in the hell do u have a 6m.o plant outside ur moms house. plus. it took u 6mos. to realize this?!?!? something smells fishy and i dont think its the fertilizer.