Plant only 3 weeks and showing small hairs


Active Member
Its my first experimental grow-Ive been growing 3 plants from seeds out of some decent shwag for about 3 weeks(still vegetative) and they all show little pistils growing from all nodes(ALL 3!). The plants were on a 18/6 day night mimic and this last week I went and put it on 24/0. They are only about 5 inches tall(I know pretty small, but i can only do so much with 3,600 lumens) some of the hairs are actually turning a little redish/brownish:confused:

My questions are:

Do males grow pistils also?

Is this normal even though i havent introduced 12/12?

Could this be a pre-sign of some females:hump:?


Active Member
im going to say i know what your talking about, and those arent preflowers.
its to soon for that unless its some type of auto-flowering strain.


Active Member
hopefully they are auto-flowering strains(never heard of it), and they are showing there sex early n hopefully they r females..thanks man, n e body else has an idea on wuts going on ill greatly appreciate the feedback



Well-Known Member
post a few pics, that'll help, but it sounds like new growth it's a little early for flowers, yet...but keep up that wishful thinking (think ladies, ladies, ladies!)