Plant outside already in Ontario


Active Member
I put my plant outside last Thursday, Cyber Cristal strain from Kc Brains. Plant was about 13 in tall in a bucket. I checked it today and it was perfect and has already grown. The weekend was freezing with cold rain.


Well-Known Member
and its going to freeze again tonight most likely. put it back in its not doing it any favors leaving it out.


Active Member
and its going to freeze again tonight most likely. put it back in its not doing it any favors leaving it out.
I think I will leave it out, suppose to get up to 19 tomarrow here, it out grew my cfl box and I have no where to put it. It seems to be doing fine and its only suppose to get warmer


Well-Known Member
you could always try to cover it at night a good frost will do a number on it. just trying to look out not being an asshole.


Active Member
I know your not, I'm just stuck with it out there. Better then in the garbage. I don't have easy eccess so it sucks. There hasn't been much frost in the A.M in southern ontario. I think it should make it, should be a monster if its a female. If it dies I have major backups for when it warms up for good. This one was started in early march. I'll get a picture up


Well-Known Member
maybe, it really depends on how you left her

did you put up any protection for her? netting of any kind?


Active Member
maybe, it really depends on how you left her

did you put up any protection for her? netting of any kind?
i just put her in a bucket and some good old home made soil and out in the woods she went, poor girl....its near a busy highway and i threw some dog shit around her....hopefully the dear stay away, whats the net do?


Well-Known Member
not many id assume im an hour drive from niagra. so im close to ontario but ive got at least a month before i dare. it puts alot of unessesary stress on it putting it out while so cold. but the plant looks nice. if youve got some of them to put out in 30 days youll be set. yea pissing around them works. people will tell you to buy coyote piss, tiger piss, fucking sasquatch piss, but your own works just fine and if you have a good dog bring em along they will mark the territory as theirs also. if its says snow bring her(hopefully) inside snow is still possible up here.


Well-Known Member
OMFG YES i have been waiting for more threads like this lol. i live in southern ontario too i dont want to get specific with my location , but i have a feeling we live near eachother ;) haha.

Well ive been germing a seed for about 2 and a half days now , im gonna plant her tomorrow morning. in a party cup until she grows out of it and then ill just transplant. planning on putting it in a forest near my neighborhood , pretty risky with all the stoners around my area but im confident that ill succeed. BY the way ... this is an experimental grow , this is my first grow and everything but ive researched a shitload so i should succeed.

I got a few autoflowering seeds so ill plant them probably around next week , I need to go on a scouting mission for the perfect spots in the forest with direct light ( i just remembered about how the sun moves so thats a bitch since i barely get light in my backyard in the afternoon) .... well yea wish me luck

And good luck to you , Rather have ontario residents than americans , No offense to em .... Well I hope you get tht yield your hopin for and Peace..



Well-Known Member
i dont care what you think bro im just trying to help. youve never even grown before. my climate is the same i can spit to ontario. so im going to post if i feel like it homez187. you should be happy someone feels like helping you, actualy not you. i was trying to help chamezzz.


Active Member
Sounds good man, I have never seen it this warm this early and i believe the average temperature is a record high for april. I live in eastern Ontario. Hopefully these Cyber Christal seeds give me some wheel chair, I plan on putting another 6 plants outside this saturday. I think the frost has ended for this part of the world.

Trying to find that spot that gets light all day is a pain in the ass lol, unless you live in the middle of no where. I remember it being colder when I picked my crop last fall, about -0'c at night in October last year. its +7'c tonight.


Active Member
Would you not agree that is has been way above the avg temps? Why not risk a bit if you have the extra plants. It is a risk that's for sure...I'm heading out tonight to check on the Lady(hopefully), I will post a picture later tomorrow night


Well-Known Member
they have been above average. but i still warn you ive seen a foot of snow at end of april. freak things happen so just watch out for her.


Well-Known Member
I put my first baby outside sunday april 18, But i live way south of you.

I agree with Sodalite, its going to be cold an you should have a greenhouse\cloche plan ready (Throw a blanket over her,cover her up with a 5 gallon bucket ect.) or bring her in to keep the frost off her.

I use bagies with bars of soap cut in half , an baggies with coffee an few holes polked in them sprinkled around the area to scare animals. Im going to ty mothballs this year.

Good luck grower


Active Member
I'm still getting a little bit of a frost every morning but I'm north or Toronto. I've seen it snow on the May 2-4 weekend but like you said, it's been above average temps. I think I'm going to have to put mine out in two weeks as I (hopefully) am starting a new job and will be on the road all summer. Good Luck to you man, and the Farmers Almanac looks like a nice May so I think you'll be ok with this one (especially if it made it through that snow we had on Saturday)


Active Member
Still way to cold and were only getting 13 hrs of sunlight still
and yes im from southern Ontario

i think the majority of people growing here will be planting between may 14 to june 7