Plant problem


Active Member
Wats up everyone well im having some plant problems some of the lower fan leaves are turning light yellowish and greenish lol with brown rust spots everywhere and idk what its is I've done some research and I'm thinking it cold be mg deficiency because I'm using the hempy bucket method and I've read that that happens a lot in hempy bucket because it has no nutes in it so any info would help.
And here are my conditions or whatever
temp is 24-25c
humidity 30-34%
grow medium is perlite/vermiculite
nutes I use are Botanicare PBP G&B and liquid karma
lights 400watt mh
24/7 light cycle
And sorry I have pics but the photobucket app not working I'm using iPhone but I found this pic and this is exactly what my leaves look like here's the link it's the first page 3rd post down.


Well-Known Member
Could be nute burn. Too much nutes. Could be root rot. Too much water. Could be some kind of plant eating mildew. Good Luck.