Plant problems


Active Member
ok, i have this problem and is my 1st group. Im using Fabard organic soil. I water my plants every 3-4 days. Feed them once a week. The Plant on the right side is 3 months old. Lets call it plant A. The plant on the left is 1 month old and is plant B.

Plant A (pictures below)

This plant is entering in the 4th week of 12/12. Since 2 days ago is showing few hairs, i guess it is the buds forming. Several of the leaves have brown spots as you can see on the pic. Also there are a few with some black color and seems to be dying, i think it is mold that formed because I was putting it on the bathroom (high humidity, no windows) for the 12 hours dark. I removed the leaves that seemed to have that mold because it was spreading, I dont know if this was the right way to go but it just seemed logic to me.
During the whole grow i have not used a ph soil meter however i bought a liquid that is a water ph meter and tested the water that came out dripping from the plant. The ph was about 5.0 sometimes 6.0.
I've had many problems with this plant, slow grow, nute burn during veg because i first planted it on MG, it had spider mites but i could control them with tobacco juice and since a acouple weeks thrips, which im controlling with tobacco juice and neem's oil. Please help me with this plant, it is my only survivor out of 5 plants of my first grow.



Active Member
Plant B
This is what i could call my second grow, it is 1 month old, on the same soil as Plant A, and with a 5.0 ph. Im doing a LST in order to grow it as a bush, it seems pretty healthy besides the leaf that i show on the pic, and a couple others with some brown/gray color on the tips. I'm not sure if it can be because of PH out of balance or something? Please help me. Oh and i also started 12/12 on it yesterday, so now i just keep them in the closet.



I've heard of problems with neem's oil. I'm working on my first growth myself so I don't have any experience, but I've done a lot of reading. It looks to me though like its a nute burn - the tips of the fan leaves are discolored and dying. Maybe consider a flush with distilled water to help repair the roots. Try to keep the humidity way down too.


Active Member
first i thought it was nute burn also, but the browning on the tips are just on a few leaves, besides i just feed them once a week!... I will definitly leave it there for a week and flush it to see if it improves. Thanks man!