plant problems


Plants were all doing great and was almost ready to flip them and a few started to show a lighter green around the edges of the leafs. Its progressively gotten worse and now more plants are showing the same signs. Ive foliar fed with cal mag and it seemed to help a little but I need a total solution to this problem. Can anyone help please???



Well-Known Member
My first guess would be Nitrogen def., but the veins aren't yellowing on the leaves so maybe not, unless thats what comes next. I would start looking at pictures of nute deficiencies and try to find a match.


I would love it to be that simple. Nitrogen starts at the bottom of the plant. This is on the top. Distorted new growth, leaf tips are curling under, Leaf edges are limey green along with the new growth. If there are some more suggestions out there other than nitrogen i would love to hear them.


Active Member
Do you use anything to feed? Cal/Mag is for addressing a specific problem..

1st - Make sure that you are not spraying leaves with water before putting them in light, i did that once and i got a ton of yellow and brown burnt leaves..
2nd - Get some n-p-k ferts.. You cant just put a plant in the ground and hope for the best.. you need to use 3-2-4 on your plants while they veg at 1/2 strength every other time you water. Once you start flowering the plants you will need to use the same method but with 1-4-5 nutrients.
3rd - You use Cal/Mag to offset the effects of the n-p-k and that's basically all.. Its pretty much useless without an n-p-k...

Here are the ones I use:



I hope that this helps you because; take it from me... teaching yourself SUCKS...


well thanks for the help, i agree look at the chart. i also agree teaching yourself sucks. Im in norther ca and everyone has a deifferent idea and version of what to do. There are way to many different nutrient lines thrown in your face everytime you go to the store and basically at some point my soil got out of balance. im about to just do indoor like outdoor with just lots of bat poop. It seems alot simpler than dealing with 10 different companies with anything from 2 to 15 part nutrient systems. Im sure ill be better off when i can be confident in an exact feeding schedule. also i think it all started when i watered with some extra nut water from the time before w/o checking the ph i believe it possibly got all out of whack between the waterings and then threw everything off. The chart was confusing b/c of multiple symptoms. My runoff had a low ph and super high nitrogen. Basically just lock out. i flushed and left the last water with plenty of micro nutrients and nothing else.


Well-Known Member
I just thought I'd add, the chart isn't always accurate, it's just a basic or most common visual for said deficiency.