Plant progress question


Well-Known Member
So, I have a hindumaster kush plant. According to the site, its an 8 week flowerer. This Sunday will be 4 weeks, making it about half way done.

Within the last few days, it has started having noticable trichromes forming under the leafs (where you usually notice the development first).

However...lots of the hairs on the plant have already started to turn color. I know they suggest you harvest when half of the hairs are orange...and mine almost are. I KNOW that I'm not going to harvest yet. I know. I'm simply wondering why the hairs are already turning? I still have a month to go...still gotta feed with gravity and some other finishers.

This is only my third plant I've I'm still very noobish.


Well-Known Member
I noticed this same thing with my girls. Currently flowering Cinderella 99 (one of my personal favs!) They are also a 50 day flowering strain and i noticed that about half of the hairs were orange/red only 3 1/2 weeks into flowering. Not really sure why but i can tell you this. My girls are now 1 week from hervest and i STILL have about 50-60% red hairs all over my buds. Let the trichs tell you when it's done. Happy growing!


Well-Known Member
I assumed that it was something to do with genetics...but I was a little worried it was something wrong with my feeding or soil or water or something.

But thats good news then. Thanks! :blsmoke: