Plant stayed in dark for weeks!!


Well-Known Member
So I had a grow going in my bathroom and shut it down do to other things coming up, well I havnt stepped in the room for a good 2-3 weeks at least. So the plants have been sitting in darkness for that long with no water nothing!.. to my suprise when I go in most all of them are dead of course, but there are two bigger ones that are alive, all the leave still nice and green for the most part some did have light green to yellow color to them but otherwise still very alive lmao..

This suprised me so I took the two troopers and have placed them outside tonight and watered them.I will leave them out there to grow. Im curious to see if the hang in there and pull through I would imagine they will prob turn hermi from the stress but just have to give them a chance to live after what they survived through lmao. Just thought it was kinda funny and suprising and fig I would share.