plant strain brown/green?


New Member

So, my first grow ever. It's in flowering stage, yeah! I did buy a LED Ufo lamp after the sun turned me down a few weeks in a row here in the cold north europe, and now im a closet grower. I got reflection on all sides, and im using pH-down (going for 5.8-6.2 value) and using some cheap 4 bucks nutrient for it. I'm considering the cause of the brown strains to be the bad nutrient, but can you provide more info, eventually troubleshoot it better?

Jake J.

IMG_2879[1].JPG IMG_2880.JPG


Well-Known Member
Pic 1 is great for my collection, see the colored side is red, the red is anthocyanin, or food coloring to humans, to plant is cold damage, you had her in a very cold wind and it shocked her bad, she has recovered by I doubt if the red will go away, just be ready for the next grow!

Too my blog on red stems:

For you own sake look to topping or Fimming your babes, more buds less height


New Member
Feel free to use photos, vostok.
It's more brown than darkred though, and honestly I cannot believe what you're saying is true. It's been incredible hot in the past 2-3 weeks, and the temperature has been steady 26-30 degrees celcius. I have a small USB fan mounted on the side for air circulation, but I have a bigger floorfan which I plan to use asap.

I still believe it's the poor quality of the nutrients i've fed her with, that dealt the damage and provoked the colorburn. But please, enlighten me!


Well-Known Member
And your right fred ;). When dope plants flower they need large amounts of P and with those red stems the plants are starved of P. Get some hydro flowering nutes.


New Member
And your right fred ;). When dope plants flower they need large amounts of P and with those red stems the plants are starved of P. Get some hydro flowering nutes.
Can I get a defition of "P"? I'm not more than a few months old in this business :-) Can hydro flowering nutes get picked up at the local gartner store?


New Member
Alright, i'm gonna buy it online. What do you recommend? And what store? Links would be wonderful! And they should be able to send to europe :)