Plant Success Great White open container...


I ordered a 4oz container on fleabay. I got it, and there was some packing tape over the container. I opened it up and about a third of the product is gone, and the safety label had be reattached.

Now, aside from the BS from the seller (which I'll deal with), I'm wondering if I should forego using this stuff since it was open, or should it be ok? I only need a little so if it's safe to use I'd consider that when dealing with the seller.

If I shouldn't feed that stuff to my plants, please advise. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
If it's been opened, how do you even know you're getting what you paid for???

Personally I wouldn't risk using.



Man, the stuff was almost expired anyway. The seller just kept saying over and over that it was new, then finishes with refunding me and then tells me, "you don't need to send it back. I've no use for it now that it's open". Fucking smart ass.

The website says 3 year shelf life and it expired in less than a year. I brought this up as well, that I could reasonably ask to return it on that alone, and the guy tells me that he only opened his store this year and that he bought it elsewhere. He reasoned that because it was sold to him as old, it wasn't his fault or responsibility. Seriously, what bullshit.

His ebay name is thshydro

When I got this thing anyway, it was open. He tried to say that I removed the safety seal taking off the cap. Bullshit. The seal was bent for the purpose of extracting the contents. Here's how it came to me;

I basically told him that I had no problem buying one at retail, showing the date and the receipt, then making a video of me throwing his old one away in the trash.
The fact that he would NOT do an exchange tells me he probably only has more of the same expired or open shit. Wheat you don't see in the pics is that the product was all over the outside of the container and inside the shipping envelope.