plant surging



Can someone please explain why they call this Surging. My plants always have solid buds, but some of these seem to be splitting for some reason ???.DSCF5326.jpg

These ones below are some of my past plants.



i dont move the light purposely i only move it when the babys get to close to the light i only move it so they dont burn and its a brand new bulb first time ever been used and using canna a&b Bloom/Boost/PK PH of 5.8-5.9 EC 1.8-2.0 not hydro grew in coco on 12/12 600w hps bulb only 5 babys in the tent a 1.2/1.2/ by about 7ft high cant seem to figure it out unless its the DNA/Genetics of the plants them selfs still open 2 any advice or any help at all any one welcome dont want big horrible stretchy buds :(


Active Member
Looks to me like they re-vegged for a bit. Are you sure you are completely light free on dark cycle? Maybe stress threw them into veg again? I've purposely re-vegged plants and they look an awful lot like your picture.
I may be way wrong, just my 2 cents worth


i dont move the light purposely i only move it when the babys get to close to the light i only move it so they dont burn and its a brand new bulb first time ever been used and using canna a&b Bloom/Boost/PK PH of 5.8-5.9 EC 1.8-2.0 not hydro grew in coco on 12/12 600w hps bulb only 5 babys in the tent a 1.2/1.2/ by about 7ft high cant seem to figure it out unless its the DNA/Genetics of the plants them selfs still open 2 any advice or any help at all any one welcome dont want big horrible stretchy buds thats exactly how i grew my successful ones and av done a few
canna a&b Bloom/Boost/PK PH of 5.8-5.9 EC 1.8-2.0 start low n rising not hydro grew in coco all replys welcome and greatful keep em coming plz never purposely re vegged them kept on 12/12 they just turned out that way but not all of them one 1/5 was and still is ok


600w hps light in a grow tent think its 1.2meters by 1.2 meters getting plenty of light temp is right every now n then might get a lil bit h8igh but not 2 high i try n keep it as close 2 25c brand new bulb first time used cheese from cuttings