Should work if you make sure to be consistent and very thorough with the application of it.
I uses insecticidal soap with some canola oil added to get rid of my mite problem and haven't seen any the last 6 months.
I sprayed every fourth day for 4 or 5 applications. Laid the plants on their sides on a sheet of plastic and started from the base to the top then stood them up and worked the tops well. Latex glove on my left hand so I could work thru the leaves while spraying the crap out of every little bit. Can't miss a spot. A dozen 3ft plants so it used a liter each time. Concentrates are so much cheaper!
I looked that stuff up and it uses soy oil and soaps with a few other things so it is much the same as the Safer's End All concentrate I use.
Get a good strong light over your shoulder so you can better see any missed spots. They look dry and dull underneath if not covered well. If the spray beads up and runs off add a few drops of dish soap to a liter then swirl around to mix so it doesn't all turn to foam.