planting 2 plants per pot


Hey all you experts. Question. I got 6 clones 3 weeks ago. One (Blue Widow) didnt survive so they replaced it 4 days ago. Can I plant the new Blue Widow in the same 5 gallon pot as the other Blue Widow?


Well-Known Member
i am thinking about doin this also but im thinking its bad for the plants growth am i right? or is it ok to do it


Well-Known Member
The amount of root space determines the size the plant. For example... you will end up with 2 medium sized plants instead of having 2 large plants if they were in separate pots.


Well-Known Member
why ?

I mean a cheap pot/bucket cost like 50€ or sumthing .. dont go cheap here .. weed plants root net get hugh ..


Active Member
He/She is asking if he/she can plant in the same soil - not with 2 plants. His other plant died, and he was wondering if the soil is reuseable, of course its reusable.


Well-Known Member
Hey all you experts. Question. I got 6 clones 3 weeks ago. One (Blue Widow) didnt survive so they replaced it 4 days ago. Can I plant the new Blue Widow in the same 5 gallon pot as the other Blue Widow?
2 plants in 1 pot will grow just as large as one plant in that same pot would have...especially when it is only a 5 gallon pot...
You may as well just toss one...because you will only yield as much as you would have from one plant, when you put 2 in a pot...let's say that one plant in that pot gives you an oz...then putting 2 in the pot will still give you only 1 oz...1/2 each plant...but if you put each of those plants in their own pot they would each give 1 oz for a total of 2...but you can successfully have 2 plants in 1 pot...but you will wish you hadn't.


Well-Known Member
The real issue I see is strains and DNA one plant might experiance a def the other plant might be burnt by treating it. Just saying pots are cheap dont do it, might be ok for a while but once you put in flower you are going to wish they were seperate.


Well-Known Member
Wait wait you want to just stick the new one in the same pot the dead one came out of? that is fine as long as you don't think something soil or nute related is what killed the first plant...


Well-Known Member
It can be done but i don't recommend it unless u add some kind of divider and still i don't recommend it,i got a long tray maybe 6-8 inches tall and 2 feet long i use something that separates the soil enough to make 8 plant slots,im not too worried about the lower branches cause they can be cut but Roots need their own space.


Thank you all for the great advice. Considering all of the great input, I will not be planting 2 plants in one pot. Each of my babies are gonna go solo in their own pot. Thanks again for the advice



Well-Known Member
He/She is asking if he/she can plant in the same soil - not with 2 plants. His other plant died, and he was wondering if the soil is reuseable, of course its reusable.
He didn't exactly make himself clear in the first place.
The title of the thread is..."PLANTING 2 PLANTS PER POT".