planting outdoors immediately


Active Member
I think im paranoid or something because i feel that if i plant my plants outside immediately than they will get whipped around too hard by all the wind that has been going on lately in my area. Has anybody ever had a problem like this? Should i just plant outside and trust good ol mother nature? Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Skunk Baxter

Well-Known Member
How big are the plants, and have you been using a fan to get them accustomed to wind?

Edit: Actually, upon reflection I realize I don't even need to know the answer to that in order to give you some kind of useful answer. If the winds are unusually strong in your area right now, and your plants haven't been exposed to that kind of wind yet, i wouldn't put them out right now. If you put them out and let them get used to average wind velocities, they'll strengthen up very quickly and within a week or so should be able to handle very high winds. But right now, if they've never been outside, it wouldn't be the best strategy to stick 'em right into a really strong wind.