Planting rockwool cubes in dirt


I used rockwool cubes for several seeds, my ? is are two thirteen watt energy smart bulbs enough light to keep my seeds under ? Should i use any soultioun when i plant my cubes in dirt .:leaf:

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
26w should be good for the first two weeks. I usually go with between 70-80w of floresant on new seedlings minimum.


Active Member
I never have used solution. Water here is so close to 7.0 i've not needed to. When you have a good population of roots emmiting from the cube. Pop it in the pot of soil, try to keep the cube flush with the soil level this gives roots a chance to grow downward in the pot. If you let them get about a foot tall before you over feed them, You should do fine when transplanting into organic soil. Put what you want to feed them in the soil. I use guano, bloodmeal, sea kelp, and worm castings. This is all. nothing more. If they need a litlle bloom food during the bloom,which they will. I use my five gallon bucket and fish air pump. I fill full of water and let it sit overnight. Clorine will kill your happy bacteria. Add some worm castings and bat guano, put a table spoon or two, of UN- sulfured mollassas this gets the tea going. let it go bubbleing for about a week. I mix this 50/50 with water i've set aside. You still don't want to kill the bacteria. water normally and watch the results do this about every week through bloom. This does improve flavor and you don't need to flush to get rid of nasty chem flavor. Peace. P.S. Just kidding about the let them get a foot tall before you overfeed them. I see pictures on this sight with captions HELP. almost all pics show sighns of overdose.....:hump: