Plants are too tall!

My Jack the Ripper plant is to tall! It's up against three Netting on my outdoor arbor. What are my options here.
Was told I could lay it over and let it continue to grow horizontal but...I can't get it to lay over. Do I need to somehow tie it down to encourage the horizontal orientation?
I don't want to top it, not a good period in its life to be shocked like that is it? I mean with the recent solstice and all...
Need some advise please, this thing is 7ft tall and at least that wide!


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Just weave whatever pops over the net back though it. Or use some landcaping twin to tie it to the post or other wieght. Supercroping is always an option. Best used before flowering starts but not horrible if your still in strech phase. Simply grab the stalk at the hieght and bend it over til it cracks. The brake will heal and be fine, might want to put tape or gel over it to prevent infection/contaminates
Seriously?! Just bend it over until it cracks? I'll give it a try with one of the stalks and see how it does. Thanks!
Yes. It will heal and it will never stand straight up again. As a bonus you will see the branches above the brake slow their growth as circulation is limited and extra energy is going to healing the brake. I generaly avoid the practice as it is a high stress training methed but when you grow leggy tivas you gotta be prepaired to put them in their place. Since you are outdoors please take the precaution of covering the brake to prevent any type of inffection
Dude dont crack press it from all sides to make an internal stays good but it cant nadle the weight anymore.later it will heal as a fat knot
I tried it with one of the stems. It didn't break the skin but just kind of folded over. I'll watch it the next couple of days to see how it does.
As far as support. If need be, I'll secure it to the ceiling of the enclosure. What's the best material to use when tying up plants? Twine? Paranoid?
This plant is absolutely massive. I'm sure I'm going to have to support many of the lower branches as the flowers start to get heavy as well as the ones growing horizontally across the ceiling.
fatter better, thin cables will grow inside the plant.
and something that's easy to bend but will stay that way. i usually use normal metal wire i forgot the size but if you buy too small you can just double it.
i can tell you when you have 15 branches and you are close to the end and just one morning everything is bent its a mess to organise it. you think the celing will work but dont forget the lamp is allways in the can buy a scrog net for 10$ and use it as a support before time comes
Id avoid and open injuries its a open door to potential hassle, If you take hold of the stem where you want it bent, bend it back and forth left to right increasing pressure gently, it softens the stem so it doesn't buckle or break when you pull it down to tie it.
Thanks guys. I got them all bent over. One snapped and has an open wound. What should I cover the wound with?


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