plants dont look good....(pics)


Active Member
Well the plants are 12 days old now, and the leaves are badly yellowing on most of the plants, and on one the leaves are curled from the sides in. I have eight plants in total.

They are in soil and are not getting nutes yet. They get watered every second day.

I have just re-potted them today from the small cups they where in, into 2.2 gallon pots (thinking this might be part of the problem)

Temp/ 80on, 75off. And there white widow's.
I have looked through the site but Im still not sure what exactly the problem is, so can anyone help??



Well-Known Member
i dont think the small fots are the prob. what is the water ph? and what type of soil and lights?


Well-Known Member
id guess its either nute burn from nutes in the soil, maybe when you replanted they got a bit too much water and it released a bit much (likely with MG soil). or maybe its nute lockout from too low or too high ph. get some info on soil and water and lights couldnt hurt as well.


Active Member
They are in plagron light mix soil, and the water ph is 6.5. Im using a 250w hps (I know this isnt ideal, but most people say it will do).

In case I wasnt clear, the yellowing started before I repotted them.


New Member
Its not the 250 watt light unless you have it to close. I've germinated under a 600 HPS before. My first thought was ... to hot of a soil mix for the youngsters.



Active Member
if the soil mix is too hot, would it not have affected the plants from the beginning? Because this only began about 2 days ago. Until then they looked great


Active Member
just read another post about lack of magnesium, and using epsom salts. Could this be anything to do with it? Or is there any other information I could give that would help provide a diagnosis and hopefully cure?????


Well-Known Member
What is the ph of your soil i saw your water is 6.5 but what is the soils ph

the mg and salt def i dont think that is it


Well-Known Member
Just flush with 3x volume of pot, using water with the PH you want the soil to be, that should do it. if not, try 6x volume of pot.


Well-Known Member
There are other ways too. I don't know the exact way for soil because i grow hydro. But if you go to the garden or home improvement store and ask the person in the department with the fertilizer how you can lower the ph of your soil in your garden and yes all you have to say is garden they will think flower garden. They will point you in the right direction the GROWFAQ should also have it there


Well-Known Member
you can adjust your ph levels with ph up or ph down solution i have a 1 gallon of each and it cost me 10 bucks each and you only need a few drops to adjust it. i strain with womens nylons. also use them to strain my nute/water mix before i feed so there are no chunks in it to cause hot spots. yes it may all be just shock from transplanting and will come around.


Active Member
I checked the ph of the soil and it is fine. And as for transplanting shock, the yellow leaves started before I transplanted. Another problem is that so many of the problems that can occour involve yellowing of leaves!!


Well-Known Member
thats why if the problem is a hard call i just do a flush. then start with a clean slate.