Plants drooping, only two weeks old!

Mr Cannabis Sativa

Active Member
so, today i came home from school and noticed two of my plants that are only like two weeks old are starting to droop, the one actually is like lieing on the ground, this morning they looked wonderful. i have no idea what the hell i did wrong but obviously i did something, i have them on an 18-6 light schedual for the time being and i water them everyday since they are dry as hell when i come home from school, a few things tha came to my mind are my light schedual is totally off, or ive either been watering them way too much or havnt been watering them enough. any thoughts? :sad: :shock:

Mr Cannabis Sativa

Active Member
i am unfortunatly unable to post ay videos a the time, but the stalk i guess you would say is total bending over, tehe plant in total is just lying fat on my desk. what do do? i got some fans in tonight so hopefully that will do something, i also helped them by supporting then with some plastic forks.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like the pots they're in are too small if you need to water every day. Underwatered.

If you were to prop them up with something and water immediately you might save them, but if the stem bends and the plants are flat on the floor it's probably too late.

Pictures would help.