Plants dying after transplant help


Active Member
So I had to switch compost a few days ago from peat based to peat free compost. This was because the soil PH with the peat compost was way too acidic, the stuff I switched to is 6-7 ph soil.

i did it as carefukl As I could; but some roots broke on some of them from the soil weight, will this kill them? I then got as much soil in ff the roots as I could and put it into its new pot (same size) after wetting the soil. But they seemed to be going down hill most of them, as you can see from thepics. I’ve turned the light down low to give them some breathing space. RH is 40 and temp is 22c. Haven’t fed them any nutes yet juts been watering lightly. Any advice on how to save them?



Well-Known Member
They will make it. Get back to feeding nutes plus calcium and magnesium if not in feed. You can foliar feed or mist with water. RH @ 40% could hinder the transplant recovery.