Plants flowering on 18/6 from 24/0? PICS


Well-Known Member
hello good people. my plants are about 2 weeks old. and i had them under 24 hour lights for a while, then about 3 days ago i decided to give them some sleep and put them on 18/6..i looked at them closely today and looks like was appears to be pistils....what do you guys think..and if for somereason they are flowring is it okay to put htem under 24/0 again to reveg?



Active Member
When your plants get a couple weeks older those will turn into new leaves and branches, starting with the lower ones (if it is anything like mine anyway).


Well-Known Member
your looking at the stipules and/or new growth points. Look for alternating nodes, thats a sign the plant is mature and should start showing preflowers, regardless of light cycle. It looks like it may be a while till you reach that point.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
My last set of moms were 24/24 and 18/24. These moms were over ten years old, replaced by their own clones periodically. Never in my thirty years of growing pot have I seen a potplant bud under these conditions. 18 hours is the lowest you can go though, or you will start getting hair. Under 18 hour light you will get two hairs at the base of the stems and when cloned these will produce seeds which are good for new moms. These will stop being produced after you go back to twenty-four hours. No harm will occur to your moms and 18 hour is good for non-production periods.


Well-Known Member
Under 18 hour light you will get two hairs at the base of the stems and when cloned these will produce seeds which are good for new moms

um, please explain this idea of yours better. I might just be misunderstanding you but it sounds like total bs to me. I've never seen or heard of this ever.


Well-Known Member
Under 18 hour light you will get two hairs at the base of the stems and when cloned these will produce seeds which are good for new moms

um, please explain this idea of yours better. I might just be misunderstanding you but it sounds like total bs to me. I've never seen or heard of this ever.
i was a bit rude with the way i said that i noticed after re-reading it, well, i said it in a way others could interpet as rude,but that was not my intention. I really want to know and understand what it is your trying to say.


Well-Known Member
i was thinking about it and i think i understand where i misunderstood, you meant to say produce clones, not seeds like you actually said?