Plants flowering slow and have no odor


Well-Known Member
All 14 of my plants are coming in at their 8th week. There isn't any kind of smell coming out of them. They have many white/amber hairs but not a lot of resin, except on a few. Some are sativa and some are indica. Should I just let them go for longer? I've began to flush them and will do so for about a week. I sampled a small piece (without drying) and it tasted like shit leaves... I'm beginning to think this is a lost crop. They are under 2 1000 watt hps and the room is about 30 degrees celcius. The lights are about 1 ft from each plant. My guess is that the light has been to close and heat might have been a factor too. Any suggestions? Thanks


100% Authentic A$$Hole
yeah id say let them go longer soime sativas can take up to 14-16 weeks or some shit like that


Well-Known Member
I think I'm just gonna have to, they don't even look like any bud I've ever seen except that maybe because they're not wet. And same shit for the indicas. Hopefully this flush cycle will effect them positively. The Skunk #1 are the only ones which look like they can maybe be harvested in coming days. If they need more than a week do I have to put them back on nutes or just keep giving them water?