plants in bad shape. help.

strain: white widow. two clones four weeks old.
light: vented 1000w hps @ 4 feet
media: 5 gallons 80/20 coco/perlite
nutes: canna coco a&b, cannazym, rhyzotonic @ full strength 1 gallon hand watered with tap water when needed
pH: in 5.8/out 6.3
EC: in around 1.6/out around 1.4
media pH: 6.3 when moist and diluted 1:1.5 distilled water
media EC: 0.4 when moist and diluted 1:1.5 distilled water
air temp: 73 degrees F day/65 night
relative humidity: 45-50% (seems to fluctuate in this range hourly)

had a leaf curl problem a few weeks ago. thought i took care of it by up'ing nutes. no such luck. it has progressed. plants seem to be growing, but look bad all around. the leaves are wilted, but soft and curling at the edge. it seems like the plant isnt really stretching in growth. it's producing new leaves, but close together. new leaf growth looks good, but after a few days they begin to look wilted and start to curl. humidty and temp are good all around. i've inspected the roots and they're good. i thought maybe it was over watering and starved them. no joy. shut off circulating fans. no changes. color is good. no signs of any deficiencies.

has anyone seen this before? i don't know what is going on. i'd say it's bad genetics, but the guy i got the clones from has a set from the same plant that are thriving incredibly well. even at 4 feet away is 1000w hps too much? i'd like responses from people experienced in this problem. thanks in advance.



I think you may be over feeding try a quick flush and try 25% strength and see if that helps. at this age my girls just got their first full strength feeding, also if possible change to a M/H bulb .


Did you plant with any calcium/magnesium via dolmitic lime? Coco is really easy to overdo with nutrients...if using tap water, what is the raw ppms? You might be overdoing it with one either ca or mg, as an excess of one can cause deficiency symptoms of the other.