Plants in same pot to hide cannabis plant


Hey roll it up quick question.
I have recently purchased a grow tent that is 2ft/2ft. I have told my roommates that I am planning on growing herbs and peppers because they are not so found of cannabis. Is there any way to grow a type of herb/pepper/fruit in the same pot as the cannabis plant.


Well-Known Member
First, decide if you are going to do it. If you are, I wouldn't mess around with two plants in competition for the same nutrients. Just do it, and make sure they don't see it. Keep 3 or 4 basil plants in the same area but not the same pot and bring down clipping occasionally for spaghetti. Might help with the smell too.
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First, decide if you are going to do it. If you are, I wouldn't mess around with two plants in competition for the same nutrients. Just do it, and make sure they don't see it. Keep 3 or 4 basil plants in the same area but not the same pot and bring down clipping occasionally. Might help with the smell too.
thanks man much appreciated


Well-Known Member
I can see it now...

Them - "Hey dude, what up with the tent?"
You - "Oh, you know, Im homesick for the farm back at the rents house".

Them - "dude, what's up with all the equipment for stealthing then?" (Filter)
You - "Well, I didn't wanna bug you guys with the smell of fresh veggie".

Them - "Dude, whats all that noise for in your room, sounds like a tornado in there. Can't you just use a window ceil to grow you tomato, like a my mom? (Sniff, sniff) ...and why do i still smell like weed? The party was two weeks ago."
You - "Im doing a study on how Katrina effects the common kitchen herb. Thats why I'm hiding it in this black, safty, tent, and not letting you in there to see! Safty first!"