Plants leaves are drooping towards the end of the day

My plants started from seed on a 12/12 cycle, the tall one was planted first and it got stretched because of the light being to far, the short one was planted a week later with the lights adjusted closer. Im using 5 cfl's 1 42w, 2 23w, a 14w, and a 13w all 2700k. I added bonemeal to the tall one at about 2 weeks, the plant being 3 weeks old now and the shorter one is 13 days old. is the burning and yellowing on the tall one from the bonemeal or does it need something else and should i hold off on giving the small one bonemeal for a little or is bonemeal not good for them for a while? I water them like every 3 days just enough that there is some runoff with tapwater. Up until the other night they have been fine but the leaves were drooping at the end of the day, but in the morning after like an hour of light the leaves were pointing up at the light. Then tonight they started drooping again at the end of the day. Does anyone know what this could be from?



Well-Known Member
I think you may have started with the bone meal early, but also that soil looks awfully wet.
Are you overwatering?
Do you have holes in the bottom of the cups?
Side note, add more soil to the cup on the right, to bury some of the stem, raise the cup up closer to the light, or move the light down, and get a fan on it.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a softcock plant. Overwatering not drying due to the softcock lighting. No offence bro.
Ya I literally watered it right before i took the picture but they get watered every 3 days and yes there are holes on the bottom and a fan on them. I also have the top light about an inch away from them. The side ones are as close as i can get to them


Well-Known Member
Your soil does look to wet though man. Let it get dry out and then water. Only use a little when they are small like that.
so i shouldnt water them enough that some comes out of the bottom? maybe hold back to half or 3/4 of the amount i usually give them?