Plants Leaves are Dry,Thin And Yellow Need Help Please


Well-Known Member
Hey Guys i have been growing these babys for three weeks and they were growing fine until one day i took a nap and when i woke up and checked on my babys and the dam lights fell on two of them and burnt some of the plants leafs. I cut the ugly parts off(the burnt parts).I was hoping it woud shake it off within a week or two but no luck.(this happened about the second week) I checked on them regularly then realized the leaves were dry yellow and thin. Dont really know what the problem is. Im pretty sure its not phosphorus or what ever because i have two other girls that are beautiful. Any suggestions would be helpful Thank you

oh btw

Im growin in soil (MIracle Grow Moisture Conrol_only one i can actually get my hands on at the moment.
Temp-75-85 deg
Humidity is about 20-45
Lights Cfl 400w equiv

If you guys need more info lmk



Well-Known Member
Humidity needs to be 70% the closer the better. That's your problem.

ok thanks but how do i raise my humidity. I have a lil container of water sitting in there should i put a bigger container Cool the water before i put it in the grow room. will the low humidity affect my other plants they seem to be doing alright


Well-Known Member
Humidity needs to be 70% the closer the better. That's your problem.
i don't think thats the problem (though you are right that he needs higher humidity). it definitely looks like a deficiency to me. if i had to guess i'd say phosphorus (even though you don't think so) or Magnesium. what nutes are you using?


Well-Known Member
i don't think thats the problem (though you are right that he needs higher humidity). it definitely looks like a deficiency to me. if i had to guess i'd say phosphorus (even though you don't think so) or Magnesium. what nutes are you using?
Im not using any nutes cant really afford at the moment. But My soil has nutes in it i believe(MG moisture control). Bag says it last for three months. Uh i have two other plants thats look pretty good Lmk if you would like to see them plus there starting to feel paper like almost similar to the sick girls. Um i put a Humidifier in the grow space hopefully that will get the humidity up.


New Member
It's a water cooling issue. A cool mist humidifier would be ideal. I've been using MG Moisture Control for a while and it won't give you problems until the plants have been rootbound for a while. Nutes are not an issue. Just need to surround the plant with more water.


Well-Known Member
It's a water cooling issue. A cool mist humidifier would be ideal. I've been using MG Moisture Control for a while and it won't give you problems until the plants have been rootbound for a while. Nutes are not an issue. Just need to surround the plant with more water.
hey thanks for the reply i let the humidifier stay on for 24 hours and still no change (humidity is still at 20) so i added a big bowl of water,sprit soda bottle (20 fl oz) with the top cutoff,and a 18qt dish pan. lol i know that alot of water. im gonna check out the humidity tommorrow. you think that will be enough. I think it should be btw im starting to get the feeling that the thermometer/humidity checker is busted. I may just buy another one(better quality)



Well-Known Member
alright guys i really think my thermometer is busted after all that water i put in the grow room my humidity is still at 20 but i can see the water level is decreasing gradually. But just to be on the safe side i put plastic bags over the sick plant and wet it of course i am basically treating them as clones for a while just to see if my babys spring back. Ill keep you guys updated and thanks for all the help


Well-Known Member
Hey guys i know its been a while but here they are. A lil update though i removed the label off the bottles because the lower leaves were turning yellow. It actually helped.

1st pic is the one that was in the purple bottle.
2nd pic is the one in the red/pink


Yes Sir

Active Member
has nothing to do with humidity. That soil releases N at a higher rate when its hotter. when your lights fell on your plants it may have heated the soil and realesed more N than it normally would have. new growth looks healthy though so id just keep an eye on it but i think you got threw that problem. id also cover the clear parts on the container as light hitting your roots will kill them.


Well-Known Member
has nothing to do with humidity. That soil releases N at a higher rate when its hotter. when your lights fell on your plants it may have heated the soil and realesed more N than it normally would have. new growth looks healthy though so id just keep an eye on it but i think you got threw that problem. id also cover the clear parts on the container as light hitting your roots will kill them.
Ok thanks i was actually thinking about using the soda labels i removed and using it to cover the bottom half. But ill get right on it. I have one question do you think i should flower them now or later. I was actually planning to flower on Haloween. But changed my mine to oct 20th(this monday).what do you think. And thanks for your help.


Well-Known Member
I have another update for you guys but its not a good one. Any way my Girl found my plant and she made me throw them away. she actually ripped the plant from the root ball and all. but i imanaged to save one but i planted it out side do you think it will survive at this time of the year.

My babys are gone.