Plants look like they're dying, please help me save them. * Pics Inside *

Hi Guys,

Second grow, first one got nicked during flower 2 years ago. Decided to have another stab at it with some autoflowers in the garden this year. (Based in the UK)
So far everything has been great, yet recently things have been going downhill at a rapid pace.

I've been feeding them 1/7th strength of tomato feed every 4 days or so for the past 3 weeks. 7-7-7. I've held of watering due to rain for the past week, (there's been lots). I have had a spidermite problem from week 2 and been spraying with an organic + chili + washing up liquid mixture every 2-3 days to keep their numbers in check.

Any idea what's killing my babies? Seed germinated first week of July. They've also been LST'd from week 3.



Well-Known Member
if you check the sticky in plant problems they have a full pic of all the defs/abund in the first or second one. it might help for future references


Well-Known Member
imho, that is unequivocally a calcium/magnesium deficiency, and you look really good other than that (other issues will rear their ugly head, but you are in a good position to get back into control here).

As stated above, grab a bottle of calmag solution, and give 1/2 dose mixture foliar mists for a few days, and introduce 1/4 mix every 3rd feeding. Things should start to clear up by then, and you'll be able to notice if any other problems are prevalent.

Also, I didn't see if you were pH'ing your water. Even if they are outdoor, I'd do that properly, at least for now until things smooth over... ~6.4-6.7 in soil. I've never used the feed you have, so I don't know if that is helping or a hindrance.

Thanks for the advice guys. I purchased some calmag after the responses here. Picked up some biobizz fishmix, topmax and bloom. I've been feeding them every 4-5 days and have started leaving my water out for a few nights as the PH straight from the tap was measuring 4.8!!

I'm starting to learn to read the plants better. Burned them a few times, so lowered amounts and frequency. Drying them out a bit more and generally not fussing so much over them.

I've continued to LST but have stopped 2 weeks ago, as I assume I can leave them to it now. My current thoughts are that I'm about 2-3 weeks away from chop but I could be wrong.
I plan on giving them 1 last feed and then only water for the last 2/3 weeks then chop.

Any feedback on how they are looking and doing in general? Also any thoughts on how close I am to chopping these girls?

Well-Known Member
I seen your post on the UK thread man, and I'd just ask a few things; if you are planning to go indoors anyway, why not grow the auto's under that really controlled environment? Space conservation too. It looks like your pH issues slowed your plants down too.
But it's the UK! And a bitch to grow outside lol. I give massive respect to anyone who can successfully. By the by, auto's will stink like fuck in flowering! Outdoors or indoors they still stink. I grow auto's at the moment and they're good shit so keep at it, and another poster said check out the sticky's and threads here - there's a wealth of information.
Thanks for the feedback AIU,

If you mean why didn't I grow inside in the first place, because I wanted to grow some outside, I grow a lot of stuff out there, cucumbers, chili, garlic, loads of herbs, strawberries etc.
If I could get away with growing 1 or 2 with the rest of the garden and manage to get any smoke out of it, why not.

Yes growth was stunted quite a few times, combination of awful water here, lots of rain and my own incompetence but I continue to read up and learn from all the other plants I'm growing as well. (Just got my own place so new to gardening altogether, but loving it and turned my barren dusty yard into a beautiful garden)

ps. Yes they are already stinking to high heaven, but the neighbours are sound + I'm usually smoking out there anyway.