Plants looked bad , changed rooms...


Active Member
Day 10...

my plants dont look so good.. need help!

I ditched the rubbermaid yesterday.. it seemed to be getting REALLY hot... and with 2 fans, I was getting temps of 93+ and 29% humidity now its in my closet in the bare open with some CFL's hung over it and a fan blowing right at it.... now temps are 85* and humidity is 50%

mind you.. I was running the rubbermaid temp and humidity for 9 days... I wonder if that is the reason of my plants poor looks

My 3 tallest ones show yellow drooping leaves... with the edges burned... and my short seedlings barely grew, and are starting to show signs of burning on the edges...

I am not running any nutes yet... and they are still in my 9oz cups.... watered once a day with tap water... should I start changing any of the above conditions?

Is my new setup good?... I know I have too many plants... I have 8... I eventually only plan on growing 2 strong ones... thats all I have the room for now.

I have checked the moisture stress thread.... and Im not sure which one is my culprit... could it be too much light?... they close to the CFL's about 2 inches away.

I also complained about my soil getting dry in a matter if hours in another thread... I could have been under watering it

im not sure, but I just want to revive them and make sure they arent they also seem to be not on par with the growth of other people's 10day old grows.

here are pics.

the first one shows the new setup, the second and third are the same plant.... 4th shows another one... 5th shows yet another plant with only small signs of poor health.. (edges of the leaf seem darm)



Active Member
if it was water the seedling woulf of dropped, its defenitely heat
what kind of soil are you using

Im using some topsoil called "timberline" iv never heard of it... all it says "all natural" and "great for lawns" its some local stuff I had laying around

is my temp of 85* low enough to stop the heat stress?


Well-Known Member
Is there nutes in the soil? Cause alot of soils will come with nutes and say it feeds for X amount of days. That really looks like nute burn to me. Could be heat, but it does look like nute burn.

tea tree

Well-Known Member
nute burn, or some other soil prob.

I will offer some advice.

Make sure you drill holes in the bottome of the cups. The water needs to drain
Check that soil and report back on what is in it. It will say.
If you can some organic soil with some compost or worm castings would make a nice mix. For this stage that you are in I use lightwarrior which is just peat and worm casts mixed in. Also some myco. You could do that yourself. At this stage they need no nutes just a nice soil. Some peat would be nice. But that touch of N from the worm casts that is so light it cant burn really helps in the later stages of 16 ounce cup growing. Repot if tht soil has anything in it. As for the temps that will give leaf curl and 85 is the max for vegging plants.
Is there nutes in the soil? Cause alot of soils will come with nutes and say it feeds for X amount of days. That really looks like nute burn to me. Could be heat, but it does look like nute burn.
i feel u man my clones r looking the same with about the same set up u got going on ... i dont think its the setup though cuz i gave my homie three of my clones and he has the same type of setup and there doin very good.. ( i want them back!!!) i think it was my soil cuz it had a high nut count.. i also heard that over watering can b the cause too..



Well-Known Member
If there is nutes in the soil and it's getting watered everyday(OP said he watered everyday) nutes are being released into the soil everytime you water. So nute burn happens on seedlings or clones not used to the nute level.

NORCALI SMOKER your problem could be over wateruing too. Just look at that green stuff ontop of your soil. Thats algee. That caused by the soil being so wet. Let the soil dry out before watering again. You shouldn't need to water till the soil is completly dry.


Active Member
Ok... I tried to find the brand of topsoil I used everywhere on the web... and I couldnt find it aside from their website the brand name is "timberline" the site shows some information about the soil... and claims its all natural... nothing about nutrients.

my temperature of 84* wont get any lower... the AIR condition in the house is busted for the time being... the room temp is at 82-83 so being 1degree higher with all the lights is probably the best I can do. as of now it is at 83.7* but that fan is at full speed hitting the seedlings hopefully preventing it from burning

but like I said earlier, it spent 8 days in a rubbermaid container at 93+ degrees... today is only the second day at 83*


Im not running 16oz cups... these are 9oz cups and they have 5 holes on the bottom for drainage. Although I have to say, The only time I see any drainage is when I initially water the plants, I place them on a rag, water them with a couple swigs of water, watch the excess immediately drain off and when the drainage stops (10 seconds), I place the plants back under the lights... I do this because I dont want the text books that are under the plants to get soaked. I am watering it properly right?

I do have one tidbit to mention... I have one cup that I forgot to make holes for... and that cup contains my healthiest looking plant.... weird.


next... should I still replace the soil with what you guys recommended?... if so... do I put the plants back in cups?... or get a 1 gallon-er?

btw... when I water my plants, sometimes once a day or twice.... I only do it when I feel that the top of the soil is bone dry... how can I tell the soil deep down is dry as well?


Well-Known Member
Ok... I tried to find the brand of topsoil I used everywhere on the web... and I couldnt find it aside from their website the brand name is "timberline" the site shows some information about the soil... and claims its all natural... nothing about nutrients.

my temperature of 84* wont get any lower... the AIR condition in the house is busted for the time being... the room temp is at 82-83 so being 1degree higher with all the lights is probably the best I can do. as of now it is at 83.7* but that fan is at full speed hitting the seedlings hopefully preventing it from burning

but like I said earlier, it spent 8 days in a rubbermaid container at 93+ degrees... today is only the second day at 83*


Im not running 16oz cups... these are 9oz cups and they have 5 holes on the bottom for drainage. Although I have to say, The only time I see any drainage is when I initially water the plants, I place them on a rag, water them with a couple swigs of water, watch the excess immediately drain off and when the drainage stops (10 seconds), I place the plants back under the lights... I do this because I dont want the text books that are under the plants to get soaked. I am watering it properly right?

I do have one tidbit to mention... I have one cup that I forgot to make holes for... and that cup contains my healthiest looking plant.... weird.


next... should I still replace the soil with what you guys recommended?... if so... do I put the plants back in cups?... or get a 1 gallon-er?

btw... when I water my plants, sometimes once a day or twice.... I only do it when I feel that the top of the soil is bone dry... how can I tell the soil deep down is dry as well?
Cheap fixes

1. Go to Home Depot NOW and buy Scott's premium potting soil. It is excellent soil and cheap.

2. 85F is ok in HUMID environments for seedlings however for general veg stage you want cooler if possible.
Empty a two liter bottle of pop. Fill it up with water and put in the freezer. After solid take it out and sit it in front of the fan... it will lower your plants temperature considerably. If lower temp is desired fill more 2 liters. Recycle them in the freezer have a new one ready to go as needed.

3. Enjoy



Active Member
Cheap fixes

1. Go to Home Depot NOW and buy Scott's premium potting soil. It is excellent soil and cheap.

2. 85F is ok in HUMID environments for seedlings however for general veg stage you want cooler if possible.
Empty a two liter bottle of pop. Fill it up with water and put in the freezer. After solid take it out and sit it in front of the fan... it will lower your plants temperature considerably. If lower temp is desired fill more 2 liters. Recycle them in the freezer have a new one ready to go as needed.

3. Enjoy


hey... when I do get the topsoil from scotts, how exactly should I transplant the plant?.... dont I have to get rid of the "bad" soil?..... if so... how?.... pull the plant and shake off the dirt from the roots?... that seems abusive

the coke bottle idea seems nice... what about all the condensation if I wanted to run that setup 24/7?