Plants lower leaves in need of light


hi this is my first grow and my plants seem to be abnormally bushy with small leaves and the lower parts of my plants are not receiving enough light. they are 1 week into flowering and based on the photos what will be the best method to get those lower leaves some light? Thinking of just LSTing them both but was curious if there was a more effective method. My girls are under a 250w HPS and they are AK-48DSC00081.jpgDSC00083.jpgDSC00084.jpgDSC00086.jpg


Well-Known Member
LST is the way to go, or you can just harvest the tops once they finish and give the bottom baranches a little more time to finish. Either way you'll get around the same results.


Cool thanks for the help bro. Just hoping they grow nicely with nice bud development near the bottom since it can't receive much light due to the bushy plants


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I try to open up the middle of the plant by bending the tops in opposite directions, this allows the nodes further down the branch to get more light and grow into "tops" themselves.