Plants on the home stretch, but not looking to well....


So I seem to be having this problem with a few plants. They look amazing throughout their whole grow. Then right at the end the leaves around the buds, especially the koala, start to turn brown at the tips and slowly move towards the middle to the bud.
Any ideas?
-Growing in soil
-I water as needed(when they start to show since of thirst)
-at the last month of bloom
-temps stay around 81-85 during day and 74-78 during night


-1000 watt lights about 2 feet away
-I have a soil ph tester but idk if it works to well... It always has the same reading 7.2 I have been giving them water with a ph around 6.2-6.8
-I use Flora nova


ok, I was never really sure how to check the ph of soil. I have a good digital ph tester for water. So Should I use water that I have lowered the ph for this test, or just tap water?


Alright, Ill check that out. I thought maybe it could be nutrient lock in the soil. I was going to try some epsom salt to try and break it up.


Active Member
i always start with PH when im having a problem as it can cause many different things to go wrong. First naildown your ph is bang on then deal with what it may be lacking or needing.