Plants reveged after 5 weeks into flowering please help

Needs help..

im growing in a room with 3 lights, good ventilation, ac, temps 75-80 on, 65-68 off, using H&G nutes, and am just over 6 weeks into flowering. They were doing great for about 4-5 weeks and had alot of bud growth, but then it stopped and new deformed leaves were growing out the top. I checked everything and noticed one on the timers was set to run all day. Im thinking it was 4-5 days like this so i immeadiatly shut off the lights and resumed 12/12. I expected hermies but no bannanas showed up (its been about a week since i switched) , its just the new growth coming out the top of the buds is growing in a fashion similiar to the first few weeks of flowering.

Im wondering:

1) are my plants now reverted back to week 1 and must i wait another 8 weeks, and restart my nute scehule?

2) If so, will this affect the bud growth that has already occured, such as rot due to being on the plant too long. If so, would harvesting the predeveloped buds at their origional due date (2-3 weeks) make sense?.

Im sure someone has made a dirty fuck up like this least i hope. Any help wold be greatly appritchiated, thank you in advance