Plants showing problems.....1st ever grow and with bagseed

Papa Squat4

Active Member
So my plants are at 24 days from cracking seeds....since they were bagseed i am unsure of genetics or anything other then they were free haha. 3 of the plants were doing very well IMO while the smaller two lagged behind.

The light schedule i had them on goes as follows:

Seeds in peat pellets = 300watt mh (50% dimmed digital ballast) 32 inches from the tops

Small seedlings = 300watt mh 24 inches

Plants at around 6in = 450 watts (75% dimmed) 18 inches from tops (2 weeks of this)

Current plants = 600 watts (100%) 18 inches

They are in 3 gallon bags and the soil im using is Dr Earth's Organic "POT"ting soil (black bag) mixed with some perlite.

Up until 2 nights ago they were on a 24 hr light schedule and i just switched them to 18/6 until i see the sex in veg state.

Checking on them after their first dark period they showed some problems. Any help would be appreciated and also mention if they look good overall or not.

Thanks in advanceIMAG0110.jpgIMAG0111.jpgIMAG0112.jpgIMAG0113.jpgIMAG0114.jpgIMAG0115.jpgIMAG0116.jpg


Well-Known Member
maybe alittle wet but they sleep during the dark and relax some. Fine by me. I have that cheap timer too in veg tent.

Papa Squat4

Active Member
The things I had concerns about:

1. The droopy leaves on the one near the power strip.

2. The spotting/wrinkles on the leaf tips of the smaller two.

3. A few leaf sets are turned vertical like a door lock on the plant in the last picture.

Thanks again for any help