plants takin too long


Active Member
I'm havin major problems with how long its takin my plants to make progress. Right now I'm in my sixth week since they sprouted and the tallest one is 5 inches only a few set of leaves on it.

This is my first time growing. For soil I started the seeds, once they sprouted, in Miracle Grow Seeding mix, then around week two I switched it over to regular Miracle Growing Potting Mix, the one that feeds for first 3 months. Right now i have a 24inch grow light and two 48inch fluorescent bulbs. The grow light is bout 2 inches from the top of the plants and the fluros are about 10 inches away.

Right now I'm waterin them once a day. I also got a regular flan blowing circulation into a foiled up closet.

someone let me kno whats wrong with my setup.



Well-Known Member
The only miracle grow that is any decent is their all natural stuff.

A floro light should only be about a inch away from your plants.

Get rid of your foil. Causes hot spots. Flat white paint is better.

Where does the fresh air come in from?

Where is the fan that exhausts the hot/stale air?


Active Member
I have a fan standing on the ground thats close to an open window blowin air throughout the room... I don't have an exhaust fan to blow air out.