Plants turning yellow/brown and drooping need help ASAP!!!!!!


Active Member
I only have a few plants and I'm growing with three 26 watt daylight CFLs (for right now). The bulbs are not that close to be burning the plants; also using a fan to keep them cool. I'm using miracle grow organic soil mixed with purlight. They are about 1.5 weeks old. I have not added any type of nutrients. I dont know what could be the problem, I need help immediately! Thanks



I am going to have to blame the miracle grow here, it is too "hot" for the seedling. Do you still have the bag around? if so what is the NPK on it?
Assuming it is the soil, my thoughts are to go get some good soil (roots, fox farm (not ocean forest, too hot for it too) etc.) and transplant it into the new soil asap, and maybe it will be saved, no promises though.
Welcome to riu by the way.


Active Member
Ya Trueno is right, MG is not proper seedling soil and will burn your little guys. Like its doing

Best you can do is transplant to better soil but i don't think they will survive it. Might just have to chalk it up to the ganja gods and try again.

Be very gently and try to rinse the MG soil off in a bowl of water. Use bottled RO water with 2 drops Superthrive or like product as your rinse and watering.
A good; cheap gentle substrate is Coco fibre or "Coir" (4$)
It is very absorbent so don't over water otherwise those seedlings will be toast! You can mix 50/50 perilite:coir ratio to get better aeration

Good luck and show em some love, stick em in the sun for an hour or so the day after you transplant. Don't put them under the sun directly after transplant!


Well-Known Member
Your soil looks like mud when it should be loose and airy I wont blame MG on this one


Well-Known Member
Itd the soil like every one say. Way too much water. The nutes in the soil need the water to feed the plant. Too much water too much nutes causing the burn. Id just start over. Problems this early wont produce dank.


Well-Known Member
Californian worm humus mixed with perlite 60/40. 100% germination rate in 3 days. In a week you'll have the full set of first leaves.
I only use water until week 3.

Evidence:3rd day from SEED
A week from seed
Imagen 007COMP.jpg


Itd the soil like every one say. Way too much water. The nutes in the soil need the water to feed the plant. Too much water too much nutes causing the burn. Id just start over. Problems this early wont produce dank.
This is actually probably spot on, i really didn't look at the soil, but they are right too wet. And this causes overfeeding in that soil....


Well-Known Member
is it miracle grow perilite? if so that shit is hot as hell too, i used it on my current grow and had issues myself.

if you want to try and save them get some good DRY soil and transplant them into DRY soil.. the soil should have enough moisture content out the bag to support growth. the more you water the more your gonna burn them.

the look way too wet as well even if it was not MG soil. do you have drain holes in them cups?


Well-Known Member
sorry man u shoulda used some cheap walmart potting soil even woulda been better than MG. everyone else is right im not gonna beat a dead horse. sorry. spend a couple bucks and get fox farm ocean forest i mix it 50 50 with sunshine mix #4